Introducing ‘The New Big Five’ book

Karanja the Rhino photographed by David Lloyd

The New Big Five project and book by Graeme Green is a celebration of wildlife and wildlife photography. It features photos from around 146 of the world's leading photographers and conservationists, and I am extremely proud to be part of it. 

The New Big Five of Wildlife Photography

The project concerns reappropriating the term ‘The Big Five’ from that of its traditional meaning. Rather than being a list of those animals considered the most difficult to hunt, the New Big Five is instead those animals considered to be the most rewarding to photograph.

The resulting book was launched earlier this month and is now available to purchase.

My wildlife photography in The New Big Five book

I was delighted to be invited to contribute to The New Big Five project.

The image above, of Karanja the Rhino, is just one of three of mine that you can find in the book. 

The New Big Five book: A Positive Reframe

In a world where technology often disconnects us from nature, "The New Big Five" project serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty surrounding us in the natural world.

Wildlife photographers, like myself, enjoy capturing wildlife portraits that showcase the raw power and elegance of wildlife and evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation for our natural world.

Bringing together an exciting collection of images within The New Big Five book is a chance for nature lovers to enjoy stunning imagery. It also is a valuable reminder of the importance of protecting our planet's precious wildlife.

Inspiring greater respect for wildlife

Every wildlife photograph featured in "The New Big Five" book - mine included - will have involved the photographer spending countless hours in the field, patiently waiting for the perfect shot. Wildlife photography requires patience, dedication and perseverance, and is done out of a deep respect for the animals and nature itself.

Through showcasing the beauty and vulnerability of these animals, I believe wildlife photography can raise much-needed awareness about the urgent need to better protect these unique and incredible animals from the dangers they face daily in the wild. The New Big Five book and project drive this message home and amplify the important message of conservation and appreciation for nature.

It is our responsibility to protect and preserve our natural heritage for future generations. Through small actions and collective efforts, we can make a meaningful difference in safeguarding the planet's biodiversity and ensuring that species thrive for years to come.

Purchase your copy of The New Big Five book

Find out more about The New Big Five project and book, and purchase your copy here.

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